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Day Camps

It's camp that comes to you! Each summer we partner with local churches across the country to bring camp to their communities. 


" glorify the name of Jesus Christ by providing churches with the critical elements (trained staff, appropriate curriculum, music, recreation, and a closing event) necessary for an excellent, camp-like experience at the host church for 1st through 6th graders."

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I was impressed by the obvious training and preparation and prayer that went into the program carried out by the counselors. I was amazed at their ability to capture and hold the attention of 35+ very energetic kids. Even small gaps in the day were filled with fun and creative ways of helping kids to stay tuned in whether through a song, story, game, or action.

Not only were kids impacted. Some families were "scoping us out" for future church connections. Several parents commented to me about the high-quality of our program and said their children had had a fabulous week. Other families are looking seriously at attending various camps or retreats at Inspiration Point this fall and/or next summer. They have definitely caught the fever. Camp will be seeing more of us.

John and Cory Schneiders (Parents of Day Campers)

Bethany LBC, Colfax, WI


  • Trained staff members
  • Recreation
  • Age-appropriate Bible lessons
  • Missions activity
  • Music
  • Craft (including all supplies)
  • Implementation of Service Project
  • Thursday night Closing Program
  • Publicity materials - Posters & Flyers


  • Providing a main meeting area and small group spaces
  • Providing a daily snack
  • At least one adult on site in case of emergency
  • Promotion of day camp
  • Housing and meals for Inspiration Point staff
  • Pre-registration of kids
  • If number of children exceeds a ratio of 1 counselor per 10 campers, the church will need to provide additional adult counselors
  • Arranging a service project (led by Day Camp staff)
Wow! What an incredible week! Many kids and families in our town were touched by the quality and content of the message of Jesus’ love demonstrated by the staff members. We will miss them. They are much loved by us now.
Day Camper Parent
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