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Legacy Gifts

Your contribution to the ministry of Inspiration Point is more than a gift...It's an investment!

Endowment Funds

Is there such thing as a gift that goes on and on? The Endowment Fund for camp scholarships does just that.

Thanks to gifts made by several families in memory of their loved ones, the Inspiration Point Scholarship Endowment Fund has now grown to more than $100,000! Proceeds from memorial gift money now provide camp scholarships to many kids each year.

The endowment fund preserves the principle of every gift, while the interest generated provides camp scholarships to those in need. Each year, 90% of the interest produced provides camp scholarships while the remaining 10% is reinvested into principle so that the endowment continues to grow. Endowments are named by the family and can be added to at any time.

Perhaps you would like to establish a scholarship in the name of a loved one. Please contact us if you would like to give a gift that keeps on giving camp experiences to kids.


Memorial gifts honoring a loved one can provide a camp experience for a child who could not otherwise afford to attend camp.

Each year numerous gifts are given in memory of loved ones. These thoughtful gifts honor the lives of those who are memorialized and also ensure children and youth can come away to Inspiration Point for years to come, hearing the message of the Gospel in the setting of a Christian camp. Gifts in memory of a loved one can be designated for scholarships or special projects.

Scholarship Fund

Relationships with Christ begin, grow, and are renewed at Inspiration Point. It's not that God speaks any louder in the camp setting - sometimes it's just easier to hear Him!

In spite of the fact that Inspiration Point doesn't charge what it costs to provide summer camp, 50% of the campers who come to Inspiration Point receive some type of scholarship to attend. Whether with help from a church or from Inspiration Point's Scholarship Fund, many children would not be able to participate in this important time of spiritual training and growth (and for some, an introduction to the Gospel) without generous scholarship gifts from people like you.

It's easy. Just designate your gift for the Inspiration Point Scholarship Fund, and we get it to the child who really needs it.

Estate Gift

Your estate could form the foundation for ministry at Inspiration Point for years and years to come.

As you plan for the future, would you please keep the ministry of Inspiration Point in mind? Supporting camp through your estate allows you to give as you wish, meet your personal financial goals, and take advantage of tax benefits. For more information on how this might help you accomplish your giving goals, please contact Greg Anderson at the camp office.