Trailblazer Camps
Trailblazer camps allow younger campers to get a glimpse into summer camp during their two night stay. Each cabin of campers will have not one, but two well-trained Cabin Leaders to care for them and teach them the truth of the Gospel throughout the week. Campers will experience a variety of fun activities, learning opportunities, and the chance to develop relationships, all in a safe environment!
What You Can Expect!
Here's a sample of what the schedule looks like for the full day Trailblazers are here:
7:00 Wake up & get ready for the day
8:15 First Word
8:30 Breakfast
9:00 Service Projects
9:30 Clean Cabins
10:00 Koinonia 1 (chapel service)
11:00 Bible Study 1
11:45 Waterfront Orientation
12:00 Round Up! Skit
12:15 Lunch
12:45 Camper Choice – Waterfront/Store/Carpetball/Gym
2:45 Craft
3:15 Cabin Quiet Time
3:45 Cabin Activity
4:30 Games
5:15 Supper
6:00 Koinonia 2
6:30 Bible Study 2
7:15 Free Time
7:45 Campfire
8:00 Ready for Bed
8:15 Last Word
8:30 Lights Out!