Explorer 1 is Underway!

June 19, 2023
EX1 14

Week 2 of summer youth camps was kicked off by welcoming 186 3-5th graders! Campers were welcomed to the Hillside by the staff who were very excited to meet them! After they were all seated, they were introduced to the summer theme "ROCK SOLID" through a skit and then got to find out who their cabin leader would be! This week, campers also had a bonus leader with them for the week. L4 students, who spent the last week going through a mini staff training, were paired up with a cabin leader to learn how to lead a cabin!

Campers then went through WHIRLWIND, a time for learning the ins and outs of camp and how to have a great week! During this time, cabins met in the dining room for the traditional PIZZA NIGHT where campers get to choose their own toppings for a huge slice of pizza!

Throughout whirlwind, campers had worked with their cabins to prepare a song that they would then perform at the first all-camp activity of the week, HOOTENANNY! The staff got to perform their own song for the campers and then introduce themselves through a fun video they put together during staff training.

Campers learned the theme verse of the week and were then taught sign language to go along with it so that they can remember the verse better.

Psalm 62:2 "He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken."

The evening wrapped up down at the campfire with singing, laughter, and prayer that campers hearts would be opened and they would recieve the Good News this week!


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