Trailblazer 1 is underway!

On Wednesday evening, we welcomed 79 first and second graders to camp, many of them for the first time ever! The campers started out at Hillside to learn about our summer theme "Rock Solid" and find out who their, not one but two cabins leaders for the week are!

Then, campers got to go around camp and learn about everything they need to know for the time they will spend there! They learned about the gift shop through a fun music video and they learned about meal times from a staff member on Service Corps, who showed them how to clear their dishes after a meal. After all of that, everyone got to go to Pizza Night where they chose their own toppings for their pizzas!

Throughout this time, cabins had also been working on a cabin song that they would go perform in the Octagon for HOOTENANY! Each cabin got up on stage to show the rest of the camp their song and they had judges in fun costumes to determine the winner at the end.

To finish out their first night, campers walked down to the campfire pit to sing songs together and talk about the fun that the week will bring!

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