Senior High 2 is underway!

July 31, 2023
SH2 51

Week 8 of the summer was kicked off by welcoming 199 9th through 12th graders! Campers settled in to their rooms and joined in some activities around camp until it was time to head to Hillside for the opening. They got to hear about the theme for the week, "ROCK SOLID", and found out who their Cabin Leader would be!

Each cabin then headed into a time called WHIRLWIND, where they learned important things about camp and how to get the most out of their week. Campers and Cabin Leaders came up with a cabin song for later in the evening and then they made their way into the dining room for PIZZA NIGHT!

Campers spent the next hour in Adventure Course. Each cabin was paired up with one to two other cabins for the week to participate in team building activities together!

Next up for the evening, HOOTENANY! Cabins hopped onstage to perform the songs they had been working on throughout the past few hours together. Campers met the Support Staff, watched a skit, and learned the first theme verse of the week along with sign language for it. 

Psalm 62:2 "He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress and I will never be shaken."

Campers ended the evening down at the campfire where they sang songs together and reflected on how God placed everyone here this week for a reason! After singing 'Jesus is the Answer', everyone huddled together with their cabins and headed back to their rooms to close out the evening and prepare for the week ahead of them!


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