Wednesday Bible Study Junior High 1

June 23, 2022
 JH1   4

Monday and Tuesday of Junior High 1 were absolutely filled with fun camp programming and opportunities to learn the Truth of Jesus Christ! The themes of "Take Your Mark" and "Get Set" helped teach campers that God's word helps to prepare and guide us in the race of life and that despite our disqualification, Jesus's sacrifice has gifted us with the position of forgiven and qualified!

Wednesday morning was kicked off at First Word where the Junior High campers yelled "GOOD MORNING" as loud as they could, watched a skit, and were introduced to the Wednesday theme of "GO!" The entire day will be focused on how Christ followers are called to GO!

Following breakfast and a short time of all camp games, campers entered into Koinonia, which is our morning chapel time!

"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith." Hebrews 12:1-2


The Junior High 1 speaker, Jacob Johnson spoke on the theme "GO" by highlighting stories of brave Christians who took up their cross and boldly proclaimed the Gospel! Then he guided the students into God's Word and proclaimed the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the book of Daniel! These three men of faith, despite being told to cease worshipping God, trusted in the Lord to protect them even when thrown into a fiery furnace! Jacob encouraged campers that following Jesus involved action and we can GO confidently, knowing that God is with us!

At the conclusion of Koinonia, campers got time for TAG, which is an acronym for Time Alone with God! This was time provided for campers to read God's Word, consider questions written out for them by the speaker, or pray! Following TAG, cabins came back together for Bible Study!


Bible Study began with an exploration of Jesus's initial call to the disciples! Jesus called Matthew in Matthew 9 to "Follow me!" Jesus invited Peter, Andrew, James and John in Matthew 4 to "Follow me!" Campers learned that Jesus calls us to follow him as well and that we can follow the example of the disciples who dropped everything to follow Jesus. The counselors then guided the campers through Scripture to explore what it means to follow Jesus and emphasized the call to imitate Christ!

"Be imitators of Christ, therefore, as dearly loved children and life a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Ephesians 5:1-2

Bible Study was concluded in prayer, asking God to help each camper to follow God in action, imitate Jesus, die to self, and take opportunties to serve and help others! We ask that you would join us in praying for each of these Junior High campers!

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