Wednesday Fun with Pioneer/Explorer 2

June 29, 2022

We have been having so much fun with this group of 192 3rd through 6th graders! Monday and Tuesday were filled with exciting all camp activities, time gathered around God's Word, and cabin activities! Today is the last full day of camp for these students and the programming has them very excited! Campers look forward to Wednesday's because of two of their favorite activities; Gaslamp Theatre and the Rabbit Hunt!

This morning started out with FIRST WORD at the Hillside. Campers sang camp songs, watched a skit that introduced the Wednesday theme, and got released to breakfast! Following breakfast, the campers got their bibles and headed to KOINONIA! The Wednesday theme here at Inspiration Point is "GO!" Campers sang songs, watched another skit, learned the theme verse for Wednesday, and heard a message from program team member Kara! Kara's message centered around Christ follower's being called to take action in their faith, trusting in Jesus to strengthen them when they encounter obstacles, and following Jesus's perfect example of loving and serving others!

"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith." Hebrews 12:1-2

After Koinonia, cabins gathered individually for a time of Bible Study, lead by each counselor! Bible study was the last activity of the morning and was followed by lunch and free time! Free time is an awesome time for campers to engage in their choice of supervised activities while still getting chances to connect and build relationships with each other and their counselors!

The afternoon holds so much excitement as Explorer cabins will do their last day of adventure course and all ages will do fun and memorable cabin activities! Following supper campers will laugh histerically during Gaslamp Theatre, a staff skit show that focuses on good, clean humor! Then, it's on the Rabbit Hunt, the classic face off between campers and staff in a game that combines Tag and Hide and Go Seek! One of the allures of the Rabbit Hunt is catching the famous IPoint Pink Bunny (aka Isaiah dressed up in a bunny suit)!

These Pioneers and Explorers have been having so much fun while growing personally and spiritually along the way! The focus on trusting God and His Word is ever present and the counselors are eager to share the Good News of Jesus to these students! Pray for the campers and staff in the final hours of camp and join us in praying for the campers as they leave this place on Thursday!

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