Junior High 2 Wednesday Morning Recap

Wednesday morning was an such a fun day with these Junior High Students! The day began at First Word where campers sang, watched a skit, and were introduced to the new day theme, "GO!" Then, they headed off to the first meal of the day, breakfast!
Following breakfast, campers had a short activity time lead by the program team at the IPoint hillside! Which transitioned into Koinonia, the morning chapel time! Morning chapel continued to build on the theme of "GO" and campers learned the Wednesday theme verse:
Hebrews 12:1-2 "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith."

Pastor Ben Bigoette, the guest pastor and speaker for the week, then delivered a message that taught what it means to "run with perseverance." While we encounter lots of hurdles in life, tough situations and difficulties, Ben reminded students of the importance of focusing God and his promises. Pastor Ben also taught from Philippians 4:4-13, where the Apostle Paul guides us in how to deal with anxiety and reminds us what it means to be content in The Lord!

Pastor Ben's message led the students into TAG (Time Alone with God) where they got to dig deeper into God's Word, spend time in prayer, and consider some questions provided by Ben. Then, cabins came back together for bible study. Some cabins gathered at a picnic table, some gathered on under the shade of a tree in the grass, and one cabin even did a wagon ride bible study! Counselors guided the students through a whole study on what it means to "GO!" The material centered on Jesus' calling of the 12 disciples, what it means to have perseverance, and how we can respond when we encounter the hurdles of life.
The afternoon was filled with recreation time, cabin activity time, adventure course, and more! We praise God for the work he is doing in these Junior High students and we trust that He will continue to call them deeper into relationship with him!