Pioneer/Explorer 3 is Underway!

July 18, 2022
P EX3 Edits 10 50 50

The summer ministry of Inspiration Point is continuing on strong as we welcomed over 190 campers for Pioneer/Explorer 3 and CIT 2! The campers began their week of camp by getting introduced to the 2022 theme of "Finish Strong" and then immediately got to meet their counselor and cabin mates! It is always so sweet to watch campers excitement to meet their cabin!

After getting acquainted with their new cabin mates, each cabin entered into a time we call WHIRLWIND, where they learn all of the most important aspects of being at IPoint! Then, it's on to PIZZA NIGHT! Pioneer and Explorer campers got to choose their own combination of toppings on their pizza and got a tasty brownie to go with it!


The fast paced nature of the first night of camp continued as campers gathered for a Pioneer/Explorer 3 camp photo! Then, counselors and campers headed to the first all-camp activity of the week, HOOTENANNY! At Hootenanny, cabins performed their cabin songs, got introduced to the IPoint staff, and learned the first theme verse of the week.

Isaiah 40:31 "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.


The first night of Pioneer/Explorer 3 was brought to a close at the IPoint campfire pit where we sang camp song favorites like "Trumpet Sound," "Be Bop," and "Fill My Cup." Campers were encouraged to be ready for God to work in powerful ways this week as they get to learn more about his word and what it means to trust in Jesus! After singing "Jesus is the Answer" campers went back to their cabins for their first night of rest. Please join us in praying for these 3rd - 6th graders during their time here at IPoint.

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