Junior High 3 is Underway!

August 8, 2022
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On Sunday Inspiration Point welcomed over 140 7th and 8th graders who will be experiencing camp from Sunday till Friday. All of the camper groups gathered at the Hillside to kick off this week of camp! There, they watched a skit, there was a t-shirt giveaway, they got introduced to the theme of "Finish Strong" and met their counselors and cabins!

Then it's on to WHIRLWIND and PIZZA NIGHT! Whirlwind is a time for the cabins to get introduced to each other and learn the basics for what will make their time at camp fun and safe! Pizza Night is so much fun for campers as they get to eat IPoint pizza with the toppings that they choose, along with a brownie that campers consistenty give a 10/10 rating!

After Pizza and Whirlwind, the campers and counselors played games and wrote their cabin songs for the upcoming all camp event, HOOTENANNY! At Hootenanny, each cabin performs their cabin song and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners get to go to breakfast first the following morning, so campers got very excited at the allure of victory! Kate and Andy's cabin tied for 1st place! Campers also got introduced to the staff, the speaker for the week, Eric Smith, and learned the first memory verse of the week!

Isaiah 40:31 "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

The evening was brought to a close at CAMPFIRE where we sang camp songs like "Trumpet Sound," "Be Bop," and Junior High 3 campers were encouraged to be on the lookout for how God is going to teach and lead them this week!

Please pray that each of the campers groups that are here at Inspiration Point would have lots of fun, build meaningful relationships, and would grow in their relationship with the Lord during their time here!

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