Senior High 1 - Spiritual Growth

July 3, 2024

Our mission at Inspiration Point is "to provide time, space, and biblical teaching so people encounter and follow Christ."  This week, at our Senior High 1 camp, students are soaking in the gift of time and space - away from the regular rhythms of life.  They are free from being plugged into the world 24/7 and are experiencing true community with followers of Jesus!  As they have time and space away, they are also diving deep into the Scripture, talking about it all throughout the day as Deuteronomy 6:7 encourages us to do!

Spiritual growth was evident on Tuesday here at IPoint! Some highlights included Bible Study, a message from Todd Lenz, Adventure Course, individual conversations with campers & cabin leaders, question and answer times, the Christ Hike, and our Night of Worship & Praise!

Night of Worship and Praise is a unique experience that takes place only at our Senior High camps.  Campers are given the opportunity to respond to the Gospel by visiting a variety of spaces that allow them to worship God in different ways.  Some campers choose to worship through song at the foot of the cross.  Others choose to worship in a prayer room, confessing sin and bringing their requests to God.  Campers can worship in a "forgiveness room," where they can write a letter to someone, either offering or asking for forgiveness.  There are spaces available for students to talk with a staff member about things on their heart or ask questions - praying together and asking the Lord to enter into the situation.  This is a powerful event, as we get to watch the Lord meet students in SO many ways, drawing each of them nearer to Himself.  

Just last night, we witnessed breakthrough, deepened understanding, hearts poured out to the Lord, and brand-new faith in Jesus Christ!  All of the glory for an evening like that goes to God Himself!  

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