Navigator 3 Update

July 10, 2024
InstaTues 15 5a7a9 50 50

Our week with Navigator 3 has been memorable & meaningful!  There have been so many enjoyable moments with campers so far.  Yesterday was a jam-packed day, as our crew spent the morning in Koinonia (our morning worship service), Bible Study & Time Alone With God.  The TUESDAY THEME this summer is "The Director." Students learned that God is who He says He is in His Word.  They spent time exploring different passages of the Bible that give us understanding about God's character.  God - who is loving, forgiving, just, holy, all-powerful, all-knowing, merciful, righteous, and so much more - is the Director of our lives.  We can trust Him because He never changes.

Yesterday afternoon gave campers an opportunity to enjoy different free-time options, such as swimming, climbing wall, pedal karts, game room time, gift shop, boating, 9-Square-in-the-Air, and arts & crafts!  Following free time, each cabin engaged in Adventure Course.  Our evening wrapped up with a NAVIGATOR FAVORITE, Capture the King, and a sweet time down at the campfire. 

Our cabin leaders are honored to have the chance to pour into middle school students this week, telling them the life-changing message of the Gospel every chance they get!  Check out some of the photos below to see a snippet of what our Tuesday looked like together!

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