Navigator 4 - TAG & Bible Study

August 7, 2024
Insta 9

While our Navigator campers have been experiencing so many things this week at IPoint, TAG (Time Alone With God) and Bible Study are among the most important.  At Inspiration Point, everything that we do is centered on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The Gospel informs the way we treat one another, the way we play games, the way we talk, the way we engage in Adventure Course, the way we sing, and the list goes on.

Every morning at camp, we give students an opportunity to open up their Bibles on their own.  Cabin Leaders are always nearby to lend a hand, but we know how special it is for students to spend time ALONE with their Father, the Creator of the Universe, who longs to be in relationship with them.  Campers gather down by our pond / waterfall area to enjoy the beauty around them, as they dive into God's Word.  It really is a wonderful sight.  

Following TAG, each cabin finds a special Bible Study spot - a meeting place with God!  Cabin Leaders spend about 45-50 minutes with their students, opening up the Scriptures and talking about what they mean.  Students have the chance to ask questions as well! Today, our Bible Study focused on our daily theme, "The Leading Role."  Cabins discussed how the entire Bible, from beginning to end, points to ONE main character, Jesus Christ!

Our #1 CORE VALUE at IPoint is to "remain anchored in Christ and the Bible." It's a true joy to watch that core value play out as students sit down intentionally with their Bibles every single morning.

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