August 12, 2024
Ex4 120 50 50

Our final youth camp of the summer is underway & we are THRILLED to spend a few days with these 3rd-5th graders! This group entered camp with such fun energy and a whole bunch of excitement for what is ahead.  Every part of our Sunday schedule was a highlight as the smiles and giggles were endless.

Upon their arrival, each camper was met with a staff member to greet them and show them to their cabin.  Campers spent a bit of time at our recreation area before our formal opening, which happened right at 5PM! Gathering at our Hillside Amphitheater, campers enjoyed a skit, participated in a t-shirt giveaway, and had the chance to meet their cabin leader!

From there, every cabin set off for a time that we like to call "WHIRLWIND."  Cabin groups spent a few hours getting acquainted, eating pizza together, and creating a cabin song.  After whirlwind, we met up to take an all-camp photo!

Our big event of the evening was "HOOTENANNY," where each cabin got to perform the song that they created - wow, that was a blast! After the cabin songs finished, campers learned a bit more about our theme for the week, including our theme verse from John 20:31.  It says, "These words are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing, you may have life in His name."

The evening finished up with a short campfire, which left the campers wanting more!  Our staff are looking forward to spending time with this crew and watching how God works in their lives!

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