Our Monday With Explorer 4!

August 13, 2024
Ex4 211 50 50

Monday was such an amazing day with our 3rd-5th grade campers! Our theme for the day was "THE SCREENPLAY," which focused on the overarching, true story of the Bible.  We learned that every part of God's Word points to one main character - our Savior, Jesus! Cabin leaders spent time teaching students how to spend time reading their Bible on their own.  We pray that each camper will leave with a new LOVE for reading Scripture!

Campers certainly enjoyed all that free time had to offer - crafts, zipline, climbing wall, swimming, boating, visiting the gift shop, playing games, and spending time with their cabin leaders. It is always a blast to watch campers have a bit of ownership over what their time looks like in the afternoon!

A few other highlights of the day included...

  • an all-camp activity called Paper Chase
  • THEME NIGHT - Campers had the chance to dress up as movie characters, eat at the cast party dinner, and participate in the filming of "THE BIG PICTURE 2!"
  • Cabin Activities - In the afternoon, each cabin has the chance to do something special as a group.  Cabins chose different things like water games, wagon rides, time in the swimming pool, a special craft, pedal karts, and the list goes on!
  • Campfire - Hearing these students sing praises to Jesus is something we hope to never forget! Campers also took time at the campfire to share blessings from their day with one another.

We look forward to spending a few more days with this crew!  Stay tuned to hear about the rest of their week!

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