Another Fun Day with Pioneer/Explorer 1!

June 15, 2022
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Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday have come and gone here at Inspiration Point and the Pioneer and Explorer campers are having a blast! Each day brings new excitement for learning about Jesus, time together as a cabin, and camp activities! 

Tuesday morning began with FIRST WORD, where eager campers sang camp songs, watched a skit, and learned the theme for the day, "GET SET!"  This theme explores how we are called us to take our position as fully loved and fully known children of God! In order to "wake up their brains" campers played a game of 10 SECOND RULE, where they had to try to name five different candy bars in 10 seconds! There was even a counselor face-off between Counselor Glen and Counselor Easton to see who could name five lawn games faster! COUNSELOR EASTON took the WIN and campers were off to breakfast!

After breakfast campers played all camp games at Hillside and Village Green, grabbed their bibles, and filed into the White Oak Room for KOINONIA! Koinonia, which could also be referred to as Morning Chapel, is time for campers to gain deeper teaching about the daily theme. The message on Tuesday was taught by IPoint's very own Program Team member, Tommy Olsen. His message helped campers understand the connection between running a recreational race and running the race of life. Due to our sin, we are disqualified from the race of life and have no hope of obtaining the prize. Even worse, there is nothing we can do in our own power to make it right. But Tommy faithfully proclaimed that Jesus' sacrifice served as an atonement for our sin and those who trust in him are restored to the position of children of God!

John 1:12 "Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God."

The morning was concluded with cabin BIBLE STUDY time where each cabin was taught individually by their counselor and got to explore more of the Bible. Then, campers are off to lunch and afternoon activities!

Tuesday held all sorts of fun in the afternoon for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders to enjoy! FREETIME, time after lunch where campers are able to choose their own activities, was filled with endless games of Octaball, campers going down the zipline, fun in the pool, overcoming challenge on the climbing tower, and even an ICE CREAM SOCIAL on the patio!

5th and 6th grade cabins get to experience ADVENTURE COURSE which gives them a chance to grow personally and spiritually, practice teamwork, and build trust. On Tuesday, Anna's cabin and Josiah's cabin worked together to complete "BRIDGE OUT," an adventure course event that requires focus, problem solving, and teamwork! 

Every age also got time for individual CABIN  ACTIVITY! Counselor Bekah and her cabin spent time together riding the brand new IPoint Pedal Karts! Counselor Emily's cabin spent their cabin activity time in the pool and Counselor Thomas' cabin got to take their best shot on the Climbing Tower!

The afternoon was full of fun and was brough to a close by supper! But, that didn't mean the day was over! Following supper campers gathered once again in the White Oak Room for CLUB, which is IPoints pre-CHRIST HIKE service! Cabins came together to sing camp songs, hear a special testimony about God's Love from Counselor Luka, and listen to special music prepared by Leah, Gretchen, and Lizzie, three of the IPoint cooks!

Then it was off to CHRIST HIKE, the passion play that IPoint puts on every week throughout the summer that takes campers and guests through the Twin Oaks site, witnessing a retelling of Jesus' life, ministry, death, and resurrection! The Christ Hike is often a powerful time for campers to see a real life portrayal of what Jesus accomplished for them! Following the performance, campers and counselors had LAST WORD, where they got to process what they just watched, ask questions, and receive clarification on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The night came to a close with the Pioneer and Explorer campers getting ready for bed by brushing their teeth, putting on PJs, and praying one last time for God to bless them with peaceful sleep, thank Him for the wonderful day, and pray the He would grant them a great day on Wednesday!

Please continue to pray for these 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders here at Inspiration Point as they continue to be pointed towards God and His Word and pray that we are able to FINISH STRONG this week!


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