Praising God Following Senior High 1

July 9, 2022
SH1 21 50 50

This past week, we saw the magnitude of God's power as He worked mightily in the lives of over 100 Senior High campers. The students arrived at camp on Sunday afternoon – each one with a story – and the Lord met them individually with truths from His Word. Each 9th-12th grader spent the week immersed in creation. They were united in times of worship, hands lifted high, voices singing loud. They experienced the joy of Christian fellowship. They found personal meeting places with God in which they spent time each day. They had the opportunity to sit under teaching from one of our most faithful camp speakers, Pastor Kirk Militzer. They were given a safe place to be themselves and to have conversations that count.


Between Pastor Kirk's sermons and Bible Study time, our senior high students were reminded of the fact that God's Word lays out the course for their lives. They learned that the Bible instructs them in the way that they should go and that it directs them in decision making, as it is the only source of complete Truth. As the week progressed, students learned that while they were disqualified because of sin, God graciously stepped in to give them a NEW position as a CHILD of the Most High. Because of this new position, they discovered that they have been CALLED TO GO – to run the race as a follower of Jesus for all of their days, until they reach the finish line of heaven. God was stirring in the hearts of these campers, encouraging them to persevere in the midst of trials, to seek Him always, and to testify to the Gospel every chance they get.



Many of our senior high students come away to Inspiration Point anticipating growth in their relationship with the Lord. Our staff pray fervently that this would be the case, and the Lord answered that prayer doing abundantly more than we could have asked for or imagined. At our Closing Campfire on Wednesday night, student after student stood up and boldly declared what God had taught them throughout the week. Testimonies like these were shared...



"Nothing that I could ever do would be even a sliver of what Jesus did on that cross for me."

"This week, I was reminded to live with an eternal perspective, because the things of this world will pass away, but the things of God never will."

"This week, God showed me that my life should be all and only about sharing the Gospel."

What a gift it was to share Twin Oaks with high schoolers this last week – we are praising the Lord for the incredible work that He did!


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